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Displays Page-110

All the items with prices are listed below this page image.

NECKLACE STAND-BK VELVET 18 1/2" JD-181-2 (BK) $19.50 Qty

NECKLACE STAND- BK FAUX LEATHER 18 1/2" JD-181-2L (BK) $19.50 Qty

NECKLACE STAND-WHT FAUX LEATHER 18 1/2" JD-181-2L (W) $19.50 Qty

Large contoured Bust - linen beige JD-181N (LE) $17.70 Qty

Large contoured Bust - grey linen JD-181N (N21) $17.70 Qty

Large contoured Bust - burlap JD-181N (N3) $17.70 Qty

JD-181Q--BE-.png Large contoured Bust - beige JD-181Q (BE) $17.70 Qty

NECKLACE STAND-linen beige 18 1/2" JD-ND-1812N-LE $19.50 Qty

NECKLACE STAND - grey linen 18 1/2" JD-ND-1812N-N21 $19.50 Qty

JD-ND-1812N-N3.png NECKLACE STAND - burlap 18 1/2" JD-ND-1812N-N3 $19.50 Qty

NECKLACE STAND - steel grey 18 1/2" JD-ND-1812R-SG $19.50 Qty

Large NECKFORM Stand - Black velvet JD-ND-1813-BK $18.45 Qty

JD-ND-1813L-BK.png Large NECKFORM Stand - Black leather JD-ND-1813L-BK $18.45 Qty

JD-ND-1813L-WH.png Large NECKFORM Stand - White leather JD-ND-1813L-WH $18.45 Qty

Large NECKFORM Stand - linen beige JD-ND-1813N-LE $18.45 Qty

Large NECKFORM Stand - grey linen JD-ND-1813N-N21 $18.45 Qty

JD-ND-1813R-SG.png Large NECKFORM Stand - steel grey JD-ND-1813R-SG $18.45 Qty

JD-ND-1818-BK.png 18"H Standing bust - Black velvet JD-ND-1818-BK $55.50 Qty

JD-ND-1818L-BK.png 18"H Standing bust - Black leather JD-ND-1818L-BK $55.50 Qty

JD-ND-1818L-WH.png 18"H Standing bust - White leather JD-ND-1818L-WH $55.50 Qty