Johnson Brothers Lapidary

Displays Page-123

All the items with prices are listed below this page image.

175-3B(BK) Combination neckform Stand - Black velvet Price: $13.50
175-3BL(W) Combination neckform tand - alll white Price: $13.50
185-1(BK) Neckform w/earring, ring, pendant -Black velvet Price: $16.87
185-1L(W) Neckform w/earring, ring, pendant - White leather Price: $16.87
185-2(BK) Neckform w/earring, ring, watch - Black velvet Price: $18.37
185-2L(W) Neckform w/earring, ring, watch - White leather Price: $18.37
189-1B(BK) Contoured necklace combonation display-BlackVelvet Price: $16.05
189-1BL(W) Contoured necklace combo display-White Leatherette Price: $16.05
189-2_7B(BK)group (11"H) Combo standing bust - black velvet Price: $14.25
(11"H) Combo standing bust - all white(set11, 19) Price: $14.25
189-2_7B(BK)group (7 1/2"H) Combo standing bust - Black velvet Price: $11.40
189-3BL(W) (7 1/2"H) Combo standing bust - All white Price: $11.40
189-2_7B(BK)group Contoured combo neckform - black velvet Price: $13.42
189-4BL(W) Contoured combo neckform - all white leatherette Price: $13.42
189-2_7B(BK)group (10"H) Combo standing bust-black velvet Price: $13.80
(10"H) Combo standing bust-all white Price: $13.80
ND201BL-WH (6 1/2"H) Neckform combination - All white Price: $22.50
ND201BY-BK (6 1/2"H) Combination neckform - black velveteen Price: $22.50
ND201BL-WH (5 3/4"H) Neckform combination - All white Price: $19.50
ND202BY-BK (5 3/4"H) Neckform combination - Black velveteen Price: $19.50
ND203BL-WHdisplay (4 3/4"H)Combination neckform-white Price: $16.50
ND203BY-BK (4 3/4"H) Combination neckform-black Price: $16.50
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