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4" x 1 1/4" wide x 80 - Diamond Wheel - Hard - Nickel Bond - Galaxy - Diamond Pacific

Diamond Wheel - Hard - Nickel Bond - Galaxy - Diamond Pacific

Regular price $135.00
Regular price Sale price $135.00
Sale Sold out

SKU: D-100-M4-80


Diamond Pacific Galaxy Diamond Grinding Wheels offer a smooth, true-running diamond surface that never needs dressing. Use these lapidary diamond wheels to grind preforms for cabochons, custom body jewelry, mineral specimens, or any other stone that needs some encouragement to take on a new shape. Due to Diamond Pacific Galaxy wheels' construction they are clean to use. Because the wheels themselves don't breakdown and wear away with use as silicon carbide wheels do, you don't end up with all the mess of concrete-forming slurry in your Genie pans.

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