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Carving Wheel - Diamond Pacific - Nova - Resin Bond

Carving Wheel - Diamond Pacific - Nova - Resin Bond

Regular price $121.13
Regular price Sale price $121.13
Sale Sold out

SKU: D-100-RC64-28


These wheels are 6ΓÇ x ΓÇwide and come in our four most popular grit sizes. Excellent for finishing work after using the Galaxy carving Wheels. Nova Carvers can be used on the Genie or Titan and most other grinding machines that have standard arbors. Nova Carvers have a 1ΓÇ arbor hole. Hub width is 1/8ΓÇ Extra spacers may be needed when mounting these wheels. Genie owners can obtain maximum convenience by mounting the Nova Carvers on a separate right-hand adaptor.This eliminates the need to take the regular Nova wheels off the adaptor each time you wish to use the Nova Carvers. Nova Carvers will fit directly onto the Titan shaft.

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