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Combo Set - 4-pack (36, 60, 80, 120 Grits) - JoolTool - 3M Regal Grinding Abrasive - 3" Mounted

JoolTool - 3M Regal Grinding Abrasive - 3" Mounted

Regular price $179.99
Regular price Sale price $179.99
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SKU: Jool-K-3900-4M


3M Regalite Shine Scale

The KING of Grinding Abrasives is here! Made for Stainless Steel, these 3M SuperAbrasives also help you grind and shape the toughest metals.

JEWELRY applications: Grind sprues from raw cast stainless steel, cobalt, and other tough metals. Apply coarse textures to steel, copper, aluminum, brass, and more!

WOODWORKING applications: Regrinds stainless steel and tool steel edges that have been worn out. Sharpens large drill bits, chisels, woodturning tools, etc. Its aggressive bite & non-loading properties are ideal for sanding wood as well as for use on various non-ferrous & tool steels.

AUTOMOTIVE applications: Perfect for sharpening cold chisels, punches, reshaping metal, grinding down tube ends, or for any custom metal fabrication. Super durable construction is great for a production environment. Amazingly quick removal of excess solder on small welded parts.

For a great Plug-N-Play option: select "MOUNTED ON BACKPAD" and we will pre-mount the abrasives onto Backpads with Cushion Pads for you. No setup required; you'll be able to start using them right away.

Available in the following:

The 3 INCH COMBO SET 4-PACK includes 1 of each of these grades: 36 Grit, 60 Grit, 80 Grit, 120 Grit. All are mounted and ready to use.

The 3 INCH COMBO SET 2-PACK includes 1 of each of these grades: 36 Grit, 120 Grit. Both are mounted and ready to use.

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